The name of this association shall be the Asia Association of Coaching Science, herein referred to as AACS.
The objects of the Asia Association of Coaching Science shall be:
A. The promotion and advancement of sport coaching methodology.
B. To promote and maintain the highest possible values in coaching profession.
C. To bridge the gap between sport coaching and sports science.
D. To promote critical reflection of coaching practice, and to critically examine commonly-accepted beliefs about coaching effectiveness and performance enhancement.
E. To promote and shared knowledge among coaches.
F. The development and implementation of educational programs for sport coaching professionals.
G. The publication of one or more journal, books, articles and other educational materials on topics of specific concern or interest to AACS.
H. To cooperate with other national and international sport organizations, sport scientists and educators with interests similar to those of AACS.
I. To promote good fellowship and social contact among coaches.
Section 1. Classification. The membership of AACS shall be comprised of members and student members.
A. Members shall be those persons in good standing and who are registered members of AACS.
B. Student members shall be those persons in good standing who are currently full-time students in an accredited college or university. Student members shall not be eligible to vote or hold office in AACS.
Section 2. Honorary Member. The Board of Directors may present honorary membership to persons who have made outstanding contributions to the advancement of sports. A special scroll or other suitable award may be presented. Honorary members shall not be eligible to vote or hold office in AACS.
Section 1. Membership Dues. Annual membership dues shall cover the period from January 1 to December 31 of the following year.
Section 2. Membership Deadlines. Members must pay their membership dues by the November 1st deadline in order to qualify themselves and their athletes for any AACS honor or award.
Section 3. Financial Year. The financial year of the AACS shall be from January1 through December 31 inclusive.
Section 1. Officers.
A. The officers of the AACS shall be a President, a First Vice-President-Secretary, a Second Vice-President-Secretary, and a past President. These officers shall perform the duties prescribed by this constitution and by the parliamentary authority adopted by the AACS.
B. At the annual meeting, a Second Vice-President-Secretary shall be elected by the active members of the AACS. The Second Vice-President-Secretary shall automatically succeed to the office of the First Vice-President the following year. The First Vice-President shall automatically succeed to the office of President.
Section 2. Qualifications.
In order to qualify for the office of Second Vice-President-Secretary, a member must have served on the Board of Directors of the AACS for at least one year as either a junior or senior Director.
Section 3. Term of Office.
A. The officers of the AACS shall serve for two years.
Section 4. Vacancy in Office.
A vacancy in the office of President shall be filled by the First Vice-President. A vacancy in the office of First Vice-President shall be filled by the Second Vice-President-Secretary. A vacancy in the office of Second Vice-President-Secretary shall be filled by a senior Director appointed by the President subject to approval of the Board of Directors.
Section 5. Duties.
A. The President shall:
(1) Preside at all meetings of AACS and the Board of Directors;
(2) Appoint standing and special committees except as otherwise provided by this constitution;
(3) Appoint committees for the AACS;
(4) Cooperate with and seek the support of the sport scientists and other related organizations;
(5) Perform other duties incidental to the office of President;
(6) Attend Legislative Council and committee meetings of the AACS
B. The First Vice-President shall:
(1) In the absence of the President, perform duties of the office of President; and in the event of permanent disability or resignation of the President, shall succeed to that office for the unexpired term;
(2) Become President after serving as First Vice-President;
(3) Work closely with the President so as to become familiar with the duties of that office;
(4) Attend Legislative Council and committee meetings of the AACS.
C. The Second Vice-President-Secretary shall:
(1) In the absence of both the President and First Vice-President, perform the duties of the office of President; in the event of a vacancy in the office of First Vice-President, succeed to that office for the unexpired term;
(2) Become First Vice-President after serving as Second Vice-President-Secretary;
(3) Work closely with the First Vice-President so as to become familiar with the duties of that office;
(4) Record the proceedings of all meetings of the AACS and the Board of Directors, and present the minutes of the previous meeting for approval;
(5) Provide the Executive Director with a copy of the minutes of Board of Directors’ meetings and annual meetings within thirty (30) days following the meeting;
(6) Attend committee meetings of the AACS.
Section 1. Composition of Nominating Committee.
A Nominating Committee shall be established, consisting of the immediate past President as Chairperson and four (4) Board members.
Section 2. Vacancies.
In the event the immediate past President is unable to serve as Chairperson, the President shall appoint any past President to act as Chairperson of the Nominating Committee.
Section 3. Meetings.
The Nominating Committee shall meet annually.
Section 4. Duties.
It shall be the duty of the Nominating Committee to submit one nominee for the office of the Second Vice-President-Secretary at the annual meeting, at which time, nominations may also be made from the floor. The consent of the nominee to serve, if elected, shall have been secured.
Section 5. Eligibility.
Any active member in good standing who has served on the Board of Directors of AASCS for at least two years, or an active member in good standing who has served as Chairperson of the Committee for at least two years, shall be eligible to stand for the office of Second Vice-President-Secretary.
Section 6. Vote.
The election of the Second Vice-President-Secretary shall be by show of hands or ballot. In the event of there being only one nominee, the election shall be viva voce. A majority vote shall elect. The Second Vice-President-Secretary shall assume duties of that office at the close of the annual meeting at which he/she is elected.
Section 1. Annual Meeting
A. Annual meeting of the AACS shall be held at a time and place determined by the Board of Directors for the purpose of electing a Second Vice-President-Secretary, receiving reports, and amending the constitution.
B. The official call to the annual meeting giving the time and place of the meeting shall appear in the AACS newsletter or website at least sixty (60) days prior to the date of the annual meeting.
C. The annual meeting shall be open to all members.
D. The voting body of the annual meeting shall be composed of members in good standing. A quorum shall be a majority of members.
E. Each member attending the annual meeting shall pay the registration fee.
Section 2. Board of Directors.
Meetings of the Board of Directors of AACS shall be held annually.
Section 1. Composition.
The members of the Board of Directors shall be the President, the First Vice-President, the Second Vice-President-Secretary, the Executive Director, the immediate Past President, and all chairpersons of Sub- Committees established under article X. The Board of Directors shall have a vote on the Board.
Section 2. Duties.
The Board of Directors shall:
A. Conduct the business of AACS between annual meetings;
B. Pre-approve all expenditure of AACS;
C. Appoint a professional auditor to audit the financial records of the AACS and report at the annual meeting;
D. Appoint an Executive Director in accordance with article XI.
Section 3. Meetings.
Regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held. As a minimum, regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held:
A. In advance of the annual meeting; and
B. At the time of the sport science conference.
Special Board of Directors’ meetings may be called by the President, and shall be called by the President at the written request of five members of the Board. At least 30 days’ notice of a special meeting shall be given.
Section 4. Quorum.
Eight members shall constitute a quorum at the Board of Directors meetings.
Section 1. Composition.
The Executive Committee shall be comprised of: the Presidnt; the First Vice-President; the Second Vice-President-Secretary, the Executive Director and the immediate past President.
Section 2. Duties.
The Executive Committee shall:
A. Be responsible for the transaction of necessary business of AACS between meetings of the Board and business that may be referred to it by the Board, and shall make a complete report of activity to the Board.
Section 3. Meetings.
Meetings of the Executive Committee may be called by the President, and shall be called by the President at the written request of two members of the Executive Committee.
Section 4. Voting.
A vote by E-mail is authorized when necessary.
Section 5. Quorum.
Three members shall constitute a quorum.
Section 1.
Sub- Committees shall be established at the written request of three (3) members of the Executive Committee.
Section 2. Composition of Sub-Committees.
Each Sub-Committee shall consist of nine (9) members of AACS.
Section 3. Term and election.
Each Sub- Committee shall select one member, other than the Chairperson, for a term of two (2) years who may attend but may not vote at Board of Directors’ meetings.
Section 4. Chairperson.
The Chairperson of a Sub- Committee shall be elected by the Sub-Committee membership. Each Sub-Committee Chairperson shall attend Board meetings and shall have one vote.
Section 5. Duties.
The Sub-Committees shall recommend coach(es) and sport scientist(s) of the year to the Board of Directors.
Section 1. Appointment.
AACS shall appoint an Executive Director who shall be the administrative head of the AACS office. This appointment shall be made by the Board of Directors. This position may be filled from within or outside the AACS.
Section 2. Payment.
The Executive Director shall be a nonpayment position.
Section 3. Duties.
The Executive Director shall:
A. Be a voting member of the Executive Committee and Board of Directors;
B. Conduct correspondence of AACS as directed by the President and AACS;
C. Maintain a current register of members;
D. Send notices of all meetings;
E. Keep or cause to be kept all books and records of the AACS, including all financial books or accounts;
F. Provide a detailed financial report to the Board of Directors at each meeting;
G. Provide each member of the Board of Directors with an up-to-date copy of the AACS constitution on request;
H. Assist the newsletter editor in publishing the AACS newsletter;
I. Send copies of the minutes of Board of Directors’ meetings and annual meeting minutes to all Board members within 45 days following the meeting;
J. Perform such other duties as may be required of him/her by AACS from time to time.
Section 1.
This constitution may be amended by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present and eligible to vote at an annual meeting, provided notice of the proposed amendment has been given at least sixty (60) days prior to the annual meeting.
Section 2.
Any member wishing to propose an amendment must submit the proposed amendment in writing to the Board of Directors. The proposed amendment, together with the recommendation of the Board of Directors, shall be sent to all members at least 60 days prior to the next annual meeting.